Londinium 17th Oct 08 Click here for map
Attracted by the ringing of the Bow Bells of London, the following Dicks returned for another dooo in London:
Yupmeister, Mid Week Tone, Pedro, Richee-Lionel, Granpop Bill, Keithee's up for it, JayCee, Huge, Dasher, Craigee 50/50, DCeen, McCeen, Ax / Wilton (Chris Rushton), Bolt from the blue (Downsize Dave?), Scottee Free, Jacko, Stevey 60/40 Phone a friend and Sean G on his first ever squarry appearance.
Oddly enough, it was a sunny day yet again as we gathered on the platform at Stoke, except for Sean. A gap opened up as super stunt man Evel Knievel Cartlidge careered headfirst onto the platform to join us, with McCeen in the sidecar, narrowly avoiding plummeting off the edge and onto the lines below. Following the oooohs and arhhhs and rapturous applause, everyone calmed down and Yup assigned seat numbers to everyone to avoid further excitement on the train. Of course it broke down within seconds but at least everyone had a seat in the same carriage.
Bolt had eyed up some young student as he boarded and spent the whole journey extracting her life history. She took no offence though and was impressed with the whole ethos of the squarry club which Bolt was happy to discuss with her. Realising that some of us may not make the return train (as if?), she recommended cheap hotels near the Trocadero in Piccadilly Circus, which she’d used on several occasions. Mmmh, was she in fact dropping a hint to Bolt?
Sean who had taken a train from Stafford, arrived a few minutes ahead of us and was glad to see familiar faces. Meeting up at Euston, he was looking forward to seeing a different part of London as he’d only ever been underground previously; popping up in Soho sixty four times. Another head count was required. All present and correct, and it was down to the underground ticket office for Oyster cards and day tickets.
A quick 5 minute walk from the London Bridge tube station, through the tantalising smells of the Borough market and we were at the Market Porter. Another head count!
The Wild Hare from Bath was tasty, and Kelham Island’s Pale rider wasn’t too bad either even though they were served in plastic glasses (unless you were a yuppy). Bill asked where the Sheep Remedy ale was from. ‘Over there er er er’, someone declarrrrrrrrred.
The Posh Bangers stall had temporarily closed down so it was a ‘free for all’ around the market. Jaycee eyed up the Melton Mowbray pies but his cholesterol levels played on his conscience. Instead he looked out for free bread rolls which he could fill with the cheese samples being given away across the road, but couldn’t find any. Boston hot dogs and pasties proved to be a vital filler for the starving amongst us until the evening curry.
Some drunken git stood hollering at the junction, but no-one could understand him. (No, it wasn’t one of us). I think he was giving away bread rolls.
We had a quick gander at the downstairs cells in the Southwark Tavern as recommended by Sparklett, sadly missing out on the Old Hooky, and skipped across the road to the George Inn. The George is a national trust gem, sitting in a cool courtyard, off the main road. I recall the ale being even cooler, coercing many to take several trips to the outside bog.
Richee and crew took the easy option by train to the Lamb Tavern, missing out on both ships, whilst the rest took a short sightseeing trip starting at Drake’s Golden Hind, where, nestled beside it, stood the Old Thameside Inn which looked promising. The sights included The Clink, Shakespeare’s Globe, a curved office building where Mid-week Tone’s daughter, Helen, works, The Tate Modern, and the Millenium Bridge with views of St Pauls. Returning back along Canon Street, Kamikaze Cartlidge skidded into a pub to visit the loos, before moving on to The Ship Inn.
Zollette turned up with Divine Steve hot on her trail and quickly downed a pint. McCeen was spotted carrying his ale up the steep stairs to the toilets. ‘Ya conna trust anyone youth!’.
Strangely enough I didn’t take any more notes so I’ll make the rest up as I usually do.
The Lamb Tavern in Leadenhall Market was next on our list, and it was heaving, as is the norm on a Friday night. After a quick one it was time to head for Chutneys in Brick Lane for 6pm, where a 25% discount on the food order, 2 bottles of house wine, and a free pint for everyone had previously been negotiated. Sadly some of the meals were served luke warm and had to be returned to the microwaves. Still, the wine was good so I was reliably informed by Keithee. Richee and co, who had disappeared again due to Scottee’s bum issues, finally appeared and rapidly placed their orders. ‘How could they get lost in Brick Lane? asked Sean. ‘It’s a straight road!’. ‘And why do they keep saying ‘youth’?’
A different route back to Euston was suggested by Divine. With some trepidation we took his advice and with Axe clinging tightly to Yuppies arm throughout the underground we arrived amazingly with 10 minutes to spare.
Another head count and we boarded to enter the nodding dogs competition. The Crewe boys would be getting the train 5 minutes after us which complicated the maths at this time of the night.
Next year, a slightly different route is proposed, taking in Soho, Covent Garden and Fleet Street. Hold on tight!
Click on Dashers pie for more photos
(enjoy yer baltis)